I help people get out of their own way, to take control of their lives
Stuck, overwhelmed, exhausted?
I’m here for people who don’t know where to begin to get their life on track. Perhaps you feel like you’ve been living a life that isn’t yours, running on autopilot so long you don’t know where to begin and want to find a way forward but it’s harder than you thought to do it alone.
"This life is more than just a read through"
You get one chance.
If you don’t prioritise your life, someone else will.
And if you don’t transform your life, no one else will.
We’ll work together
to prioritise your own needs and your life, whilst still being able
to give to your loved ones and commitments, without losing
yourself or impacting your emotional and physical health.
By providing you with an integrated approach of bridging the gap between coaching & therapy I will address expectations and fears to empower you to achieve the best solutions tailored to you, whilst recognizing the unconscious dynamics that effect your day to day living and that create your experiences in life.
“Through a series of discussion and exploration sessions, I was helped to build a foundation to help me start navigating the darkest time of my life. What followed was unexpected and resulted in me having to learn more about myself and how life impacts me in order to cultivate the best ways for me to be able to deal with difficult situations and move forward.
The guidance, information and well-being resources Kip recommend took all forms: from recommended reading, videos and music to breath-work, yoga, Qi Gong, nutrition, exercise, and supplements. I would encourage anyone who is feeling overwhelmed and doesn't know where to start to try and find a way through dark times to talk to Kip, for me it was the start of getting myself back after a very long time. I hate to think what state I would be in right now had I not spoken with her.”
“I began working with Kip after I had just resigned from a highly stressful job. I felt like a failure, burnt-out and unsure of what to do next but she helped me to completely reset. The combination of psychotherapy and coaching really worked for me. For example, I now understand the root causes of my workplace anxiety (and have the tools to manage it so much better) but Kip also gave me practical help. Together we mapped out what I needed from my next job and she coached me on how to ask for that in a negotiation (which I did successfully!).
The process has been completely transformative. I love that Kip had a whole career before she began coaching - she totally gets it. Her passion that we need to create a life that works for us - one that prioritises our happiness - is infectious and opened me up to new ways of thinking.”
“I found working with Kip to be incredibly supportive and encouraging, surrounded with an energy that made me believe I could make the changes needed. It was calm and I felt safe, and also fun, which I wasn’t expecting.“
“Working with Kip has been so incredibly helpful. Her honest and supportive approach has helped me develop a huge amount of confidence that I was struggling to find before. I have been able to make important decisions by trusting my instincts which I never would have done previously. The influence the sessions have had on my self-esteem have honestly been life-changing.”
“Kip is easy to talk to and is a great listener. Her conversational approach makes you feel completely at ease, and I felt completely comfortable exploring issues that have been holding me back. She guided me towards figuring out what I really want and taught me to be less apologetic and anxious about my decisions. She was instrumental in helping me 'own' the decision to start a business and I would not have had the confidence to take the risk and get it to this stage without my sessions with her.”
“What I liked most about her approach was the way she got involved with my doubts and beliefs and helped me see possibilities, but also that I am not alone in the process of finding my way, that everyone goes through the same and feel lost sometimes. She transmits serenity, calm and the feeling that everything will be all right, that there is a solution to my problems and finding it is easier than I can imagine. I would recommend working with Kip to everyone who feels a bit lost and stuck in their life.”
“Kip just asked all the right questions, then gave me the space to think, that made click something in my brain, which made me look into my heart and wonder so many things about who I am and what I really want in both my professional and personal life.”